Blender插件-高模转低模假面场景加速渲染插件 Instant Impostors v1.2Blender插件


Instant Impostors是一款适用于Blender软件的渲染插件,它可以帮助用户快速生成高效的impostor(假面)模型,以优化场景渲染。它的主要功能是将高细节的3D模型转换为低多边形的impostor模型,以减少场景的复杂度,提高渲染速度。此插件仅与 EEVEE兼容


With Instant Impostors, users can automatically convert any mesh into an optimized low-poly impostor, massively increasing performance in large-scale scenes. Using advanced shader-based rendering, the impostors display a detailed representation of the original mesh, utilizing 3D parallax, self shadowing, and translucency to further replicate the detail of the original object.