Dermis是一款专为Blender设计的皮肤着色器,旨在为用户提供更加细致和自然的皮肤效果。受到Anders Langland开发的Arnold 4的启发,它采用了多级次散射(SSS)技术,使得皮肤的散射颜色和深度效果更加真实。无论您是使用 Cycles 还是 Eevee 渲染器,Dermis 都能够完美地融入您的工作流程中。
Dermis is a skin-focused multi-level SSS shader for Blender, inspired by Anders Langland’s multi-level SSS shader for Arnold 4. It affords the user more nuanced and intuitive control over skin tones and a more overall natural look to scattering colour and depth, as well as being more physically realistic (real skin can also be broken down into 3 “layers” that contribute differently to SSS).