Boris FX Silhouette 2024.5.5 Win影视后期专业擦威亚和Roto抠像软件AE插件、PR插件、其它插件、达芬奇插件

Silhouette 2024介绍

业界领先的动态描写和绘画工具具有主要的合成功能。Silhouette 提供 400 多个 VFX 节点,分为颜色、合成、扩散、滤镜、胶片实验室、图像、键、光、蓝宝石、剪影、特殊效果、时间、色调、变换、变形和OFX组,还包括 Boris FX Sapphire、Mocha Pro 和 Particle Illusion。十五年来,顶级艺术家一直依赖 Silhouette 制作好莱坞大片。由视觉效果艺术家创作的荣获奥斯卡金像奖和艾美奖的工具包最近在《黑豹:永远的瓦坎达》、《壮志凌云:特立独行》、《沙丘》和《曼达洛人》中崭露头角,并且是Netflix制作技术联盟的成员。

The industry’s leading rotoscoping and paint tool is packed with major compositing features. Silhouette delivers 400+ VFX nodes, including Boris FX Sapphire, Mocha Pro, and Particle Illusion.Top artists have relied on Silhouette on Hollywood’s biggest titles for over fifteen years. The Academy and Emmy Award-winning toolkit created by visual effect artists recently made its mark on Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Top Gun: Maverick, Dune, and The Mandalorian — and is a member of the Netflix Production Technology Alliance.


  • 可独立使用的软件 Silhouette 2024.0
  • After Effects CC 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025或更高版
  • Premiere 2020,2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025或更高版
  • 支持OFX系列软件:Vegas、达芬奇、Nuke、Fusion等