Blender物理动力学破碎插件BlenderMarket – RBDLab,类似U3D的RayFire插件,但它有个特性可以连灰尘或烟雾一起搞定,不在需要额外的第三方插件,它主要是充分利用了Blender的物理特性,模拟爆炸、添加烟雾、碎片或高级约束等,可以大大减少在Blender当中模拟这些所耗费的大量时间和精力。
RBDLab is a new addon to take full advantage of Blender physics. From fracturing objects to making them explode, adding smoke, debris or advanced use of constraints, RBDLab will allow you to do things in Blender that until now were practically impossible or in which you had to spend a huge amount of hours.
V1.5.4支持 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
V1.5版本支持3.4, 3.5, 3.6
V1.3.3版本支持3.0, 3.1, 3.2