Blender模型边框对象自动高亮显示插件 Auto-Highlight In Outliner  v3.8.5Blender插件


虽然Blender确实有一个按钮来展开大纲视图以显示所选对象,但每次都需要额外按下一个按钮。使用 Outliner插件中的自动突出显示,此过程是自动化的,从而节省您在包含许多对象的大型场景中导航的时间和精力。

While Blender does have a button to expand the Outliner to show the selected object, it requires an extra button press each time. With the Auto-Highlight in Outliner addon, this process is automated, saving you time and effort in navigating a large scene with many objects.