矿泉水瓶饮料广告流体水花产品渲染大师班特效制作Blender教程 Masterclass – Making Bottle Commercials Using Blender
本课程专为珠宝商和自由职业者设计,指导他们完成产品渲染的职业生涯。包括Blender软件的基础知识和高级技术。教程涵盖了制作出色渲染的四个关键区域 -模型准备,素材创作,灯光,后期制作。作者还将展示如何渲染以生成适合个人客户反馈和设计批准的基本干净图像,而且还将处理可用于广告、社交媒体或电子商务目的的高质量场景。本课程还着眼于动画设计,从简单到高级。
This course is specifically made for jewelers and freelancers to guide them through their career off making product renders. we will only learn the tool you will be needing so that the wide use of blender does not overwhelm people with no 3D background.