Blender自动删除多余重复的材质贴图插件 M-Cleaner V1.3.4
自动查找和删除场景中材料重复项的 Blender 插件。当您将之前保存的 blend 文件、外部库、各种资产和 kitbash 集的对象添加到场景中时,您的场景中会充满大量相同的材质。在复杂的场景中有几十个。“M-Cleaner”在场景中找到相同的材料并删除重复的材料,将单一的唯一材料重新分配给对象。
Blender add-on for automatically finding and removing duplicates of materials from the scene.When you add objects from previously saved blend-files, external libraries, various asset- and kitbash- sets to the scene, your scene is filled with a large number of identical materials. With dozens of them in complex scenes. “M-Cleaner” finds the equal materials in the scene and removes duplicates, reassigning the single unique material to the objects.
- 只需按下“清除材料”按钮
- M-Cleaner 将自动清除您的重复场景
- “按名称合并”仅按名称清理材料(破坏性的!)。它清除具有 .001、.002 等名称的材料。
- 如果“删除未使用的”复选框被选中,重复项将立即从场景中删除。如果关闭此复选框,重复项将保留在 0 个用户的场景中,并在场景保存期间使用常规 Blender 工具将其删除。
Blender add-on for automatically finding and removing duplicates of materials from the scene.When you add objects from previously saved blend-files, external libraries, various asset- and kitbash- sets to the scene, your scene is filled with a large number of identical materials. With dozens of them in complex scenes. “M-Cleaner” finds the equal materials in the scene and removes duplicates, reassigning the single unique material to the objects.